Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September Happenings!

September Happenings!
Another summer has come and gone, kids are settling into the routine of school and there is the acute awareness that it’s time to get down to serious work. Here at Zuri Medicine there is no exception, we are also feeling its crunch time.
I have made it safely back to Tanzania, with a teen in tow. My 15 year old son decided to enroll here for the school year and I was ever so grateful for young muscles to lift all the heavy bags packed full of remedies while at the airport. Thinking his part in the operations was over with heavy lifting, on arrival I put him to work helping me organize and catalog all our remedies. Parents with teens know this ensued with a lot of grumbling, but we got the job done. Now we have a catalog of all remedies and potencies and know whether it’s in liquid or pellets in our pharmacy. This has made life so much easier knowing exactly where to look and what kind of remedy we are looking for.

We are not only organizing our pharmacy but also busy organizing the Zuri Medicine’s upcoming training in rural Uganda. Training starts on Sept 29th, less than 1 week, and runs through Oct 24th! We have 2 groups organized, totaling 90 people, and more are asking to join everyday! The first group of 40 people will be a continuation of the classes Zuri Medicine taught previously, adding a few new remedies relevant to HIV, malaria, and childhood diseases. The second group will be composed of all new people and will be trained in the acute care course prepared by HHA. Homeopathy is spreading like wildfire throughout Africa, and people are very interested in not only seeking treatment but learning how to treat as well. If this keeps up soon we are going to need volunteers coming to teach these short 2 week acute care courses. Some students joining us are asking for sponsorship to travel to classes as well as sponsorship for accommodations and Zuri Medicine is always looking for funding to help. The total cost for both training is $1,500. Please consider a donation to us. We have included a link to our wish list page, our PAYPAL as well as the address to send a check. Remember, we depend on you to help us keep this work going.


You can send your tax deductible checks to:
Bertha Mae Williams Foundation Inc.
3811 Ave H
Brooklyn N. Y. 11210
Or you can send a donation through PAYPAL: bmwfoundation@yahoo.com
Don’t forget to add Zuri Medicine in the memo line so it can be directed accordingly.

Zuri Medicine runs a clinic at the end of training every day. Supervising at least a dozen people taking acute cases all at once can be challenging to say the least. This is where my Complete Dynamics repertory comes in handy. Thank you to Roger for the donation of the Master Edition to Zuri Medicine and as Zuri grows we will continue to use the CD program. As students from the rural villages struggle financially they are happy to run CD from an internet shop on a Sunday, when the program is free, to practice prescribing and learning more about the remedies in their kits, donated from the pharmacy of Dr. Mital.

As I prepare myself mentally for 3 border crossings on a 3 day bus ride to rural Uganda, I am packing and making sure I haven’t forgotten anything important, like remedies and a good book to read! Zuri Medicine will keep you all abreast of what’s happening in Uganda when we can as internet can be spotty in rural areas. We are all looking forward to the training as the more homeopaths we have especially in rural areas, the more people can be helped.
Our wish list: http://www.myregistry.com/organization/Michelle-Pickering-Moshi-Kilimanjaro/731183
Please consider making a donation to our PAYPAL: zurimedicine@gmail.com, to help continue projects like this one while implementing new one.
Thank you,

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