Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October Happenings!

Zuri Medicine and barefoot homeopathy

I cant believe its almost the end of Oct and I haven’t put out a newsletter yet!! The days just seem to fly by!  
At home in the West, its cold and kids are preparing for Halloween and  here in Uganda, we have rainy season.
feet full of mud!

I was asked to do 2 homeopathy training in the villages.  The roads are nearly impassable by vehicle.  Normally I take a motorbike – called a boda – but because of the condition of the rd most days its impossible, you get stuck in the mud or the boda throws you down.  I’ve fallen off  in the mud before and it was no fun.One village, we are close to the main rd, where I’m staying with a host family it’s about a miles walk from the main rd to the house. When the rains come, which they do every day, it’s a muddy mess. The road is red clay  and it sticks to your shoes and feet, by the time I get home I’m dragging about a pound of mud on my shoes.   As such, most of the people we were expecting for the training have not been able to come consistently or at all because of weather conditions. We are suppose to go even further into the villages for the 2nd training but I think we are going to have to reschedule this for dry season as its located about  10 miles in from any roads and  navigable only by boda. Although working in the villages is Zuri Medicines mission, we also have to be able to get there.

We see patients in the clinic as we train to give real world experience to the "barefoot homeopath" here is baby we saw in clinic that presented with an umbilical hernia, and one week after giving him Calceria Carbonica 1M one dose with 200c daily for  week.  The hernia seems to have shrunk a bit but my recommendation was to take the child to the hospital to have this operated on immediately.  The family is poor and cant do so without help.  If you would like to help this child to get an operation check out our link below and send a donation.

The students were so pleased with the classes that some even came after hours to discuss homeopathy. There is never a rest time when teaching and running clinics if the students/patients  know where you're staying :)

Here are some of our graduates from the 2 week training. Issac and Moonlight. 

On the other hand we made some contacts with Evelyn, a spunky little woman who runs Outreach to Africa and has 2 clinics of her own along with a school. She was able to arrange for Zuri Medicine and an optometrist to work in the villages along the Congo border.  New glasses and homeopathy what a win for the people in the area!!!
                                                                                                                                                                Agnes, Zuri Medicine "barefoot homeopathy" in Uganda and translator for me at the hospital.
There are our patients waiting to see us in the background.

Dr Clyde doing eye exams for people in the villages who need glasses.

Now off to treat the Ugandan army, what a great opportunity for Zuri Medicine!   We have promised to come back in January to do followups and see the officers we missed.  Agnes will be there to take care of them till I can get back to help her. 

After a long day working with the Ugandan Army, and working in a hospital we show up at a village with 120 people waiting for homeopathy.  It's 6 pm and soon I wont be able to see my keyboard, but that doesn't stop the demands for medicine. 

After a long day we are happy to go home, take a hot shower and crawl into bed. 
Uganda was certainly eventful and I cant wait to go back in January. 

Now we’re getting ready to go to Congo in the upcoming week! I’m excited to get back to the Congo clinic and to follow-up on the patients we saw, especially the classrooms of kids. 

Here is our paypal:
and for a tax deductible donation, make checks payable to: Bertha Mae Williams Foundation
                                                                                                    3811 Ave H
                                                                                                    Brooklyn N.Y. 11210
Don't forget to put Zuri Medicine in the memo line so it can be allocated properly. 

Till next time!!